Create stabilized cash flow – Hotel

This page shows how to create a “hotel” stabilized cash flow.

For a chart of cash flow methods and property types, see Create stabilized cash flow.


Set up your underwriting assumptions

1. Click the Underwriting tab and Assumptions sublink.

Note: Each configuration of Backshop can be different. Underwriting functions might be under the Property tab.

2. Verify that the correct property is selected.

3. Enter the underwriting name, which is required. Enter as much additional information as you like. You can always return to this form.

4. Click the Update button to save your assumptions.


1. Verify income assumptions.

2. Verify expense assumptions.

3. Verify capital assumptions.

4. Verify tenant list.

5. Click Update.


View stabilized cash flow

Backshop gives you two ways to access the stabilized cash flow:

1. Click the Cash Flow sublink. This opens the cash flow in the same window, within the application’s navigation system.

2. Click the Open Cash Flow in New Window button. This, of course, opens the cash flow in a new window.


Here is the stabilized cash flow. Notes:

1. The Export to Excel button gives you this cash flow in spreadsheet form.

2. Change View hides/shows the per unit and percent values.

3. Enter data to calculate revenue available per room (REVPAR).

4. Calculations being used for the stabilized cash flow are shown in the related rows. To override the default calculations, click the Edit links. For more information, see Edit Calculations below.

5. View, edit or add comments.


Edit Calculations

To override the default stabilized cash flow calculations, click one of the Edit links.

1. Edit calculations for the entire group.

2. Edit an individual category.


1. Depending on which edit link you clicked on the stabilized cash flow page (above), a group of NOIs or an individual NOI will be checked.

Refine your selection by checking or un-checking the check boxes. Use the arrows to hide or expand categories.

2. The NOI categories you’re currently editing are displayed here.

Aggregate calculations

3. Specify type of aggregate calculation.

4. Indicate the op statements you want to use as data sources.

5. Enter multipliers in one or more of the columns. The new results are calculated automatically.

6. Click the Apply button for the calculation you want to activate. Clicking the Apply button executes the calculation and overrides the assumptions page.

Line item calculations

7. Test ideas by changing inputs and multipliers. Clicking the Apply button executes the calculation and overrides the assumptions page.

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