When you are on the Rent Roll page, we provide two ways to quickly and easily import rent roll data:
- Excel template
- Argus XML
Excel template
Click the Download Template link (1) then use the popup window to download the Excel file.
If you check the “Include existing data …” checkbox, any existing rent roll data will transfer from Backshop Pro into the Excel file.
The Excel file is formatted with cells for loan name, property type and property name, as well as columns for tenant data elements and rows for individual tenants.
You can copy and paste values from an existing document, but be sure to keep the formatting and structure of the template unchanged.
Remember to save the template to your computer.
After you’ve entered data into the Excel file, click the Upload Template link (2). This will import your data into Backshop Pro.
Argus XML
Click the Argus XML Upload link (3) then use the popup window to upload your XML file.